At Talking Yoga we reach across different yoga traditions and generations to learn from, and preserve, the tapestry of voices that enrich the practice of yoga. Our classic episodes (both podcasts and videos) are arranged in this section by teacher, but the questions they answer come from you.
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Jeff Masters is a certified and registered Yoga instructor and Yoga Therapist with over twenty-seven years of clinical experience. He is also an Integrative Yoga and Somatic Therapist, specializing in assessing and treating somatic-based trauma, chronic pain, and neuro-energetic dysfunction, who has been researching and practicing Somatic Therapies for over thirty years.
The spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute, Pandit Tigunait is the successor of Swami Rama of the Himalayas. Pandit Tigunait holds two doctorates: one in Sanskrit from the University of Allahabad in India, and another in Oriental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.
Master yoga teacher Tim Miller has been studying and teaching Ashtanga Yoga for over thirty years. He had only been practicing yoga for 8 months when he met Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Encinitas, California in 1978. Tim went to India to study with Guruji, and became the first American certified to teach by Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India.
Dana Trixie Flynn is an internationally celebrated yoga figure, social activist, and the creator of Lotus Flow, a soul-powered yogic movement system that “frees you to move like YOU.” She is a 'teacher's teacher,' celebrated for her raw and generous spirit and her uplifting, innovative, and soulful Lotus Flow style of Yoga. This year marks her 25th year of teaching and her favorite thing about yoga is the YOGIS.
Richard Freeman has been a student of yoga since 1968. He has spent nearly nine years in Asia studying various traditions which he incorporates into the Ashtanga yoga practice as taught by his principal teacher, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India.
Ramanand Patel discusses the difference between the self and the ego with host Colleen Saidman Yee, and how compassion helps us make sense of violence.
Seane Corn is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher known for her impassioned activism, unique self-expression, and inspirational style of teaching that incorporates both the physical and mystical aspects of the practice of yoga. Her classes integrate dynamic vinyasa flow asana (linking movement with breath) with the application of precise alignment, meditation, visualization, intention and prayer to create an inner journey towards healing and empowerment.
Amy Ippoliti is a yoga teacher, writer, and philanthropist. She is known for her innovative methods to bridge the gap between ancient yoga wisdom and modern day life, helping yoga students “turn up their own volume.”
An internationally celebrated yoga teacher and author, Kathryn Budig is known for her ability to empower her students through her message, "aim true." She is a warrior for self-acceptance, honesty, and helping her students and readers find true balance.
The son of yoga pioneers Magana and Walt Baptiste, who opened San Francisco’s Yoga Philosophic Health Center in 1955, Baron Baptiste began studying yoga at twelve. With a foundation like that, it’s not surprising that Baron and his father would create their own style of yoga, Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga. The physical aspects of the Baptiste Yoga™ style are inspired by the Hatha Yoga teachings of Krishnamacharya and his students Iyengar and Desikachar, whom Baron Baptiste studied with personally from a young age.
The multi-talented Zubin Shroff is a photographer, artist, author and yoga teacher. When Zubin was 12, he began practicing yoga by copying asanas from his mother, who had studied with B.S.K.Iyengar in Mumbai, India. Zubin trained under Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee, as well as studying with Richard Rosen and Mary Paffard. He also studied with Wataru Ohashi at the Ohashi Institute and is a certified in Ohashiatsu.
Beryl Bender Birch is the best-selling author of several books on yoga, including Power Yoga and the newly released, Yoga for Warriors: Basic Training for Strength, Resilience, and Peace of Mind – a book on yoga written especially for active duty military service members and veterans.
Rodney Yee took his first yoga class in 1980 while dancing with the Oakland Ballet Company and studying philosophy and physical therapy at UC Berkeley. Following his deep curiosity about the intersection of mind, body and breath, Rodney began to study yoga full time in 1981 at the San Francisco Iyengar Yoga Institute and The Yoga Room in Berkeley.
Known for large-scale experiences of yoga and meditation, from the Great Lawn in Central Park, NYC to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, Elena Brower teaches yoga and meditation as a way to approach the world with gratitude and realistic reverence.
One of the world's foremost practitioners and instructors of Ashtanga yoga, David Swenson first journeyed to Mysore, India in 1977. He became one of the first Westerners to have learned the full Ashtanga vinyasa system as originally taught by K. Pattabhi Jois, including pranayama and all of the asana sequences. But his journey actually began in Houston, Texas in 1969, when David and his brother Doug taught themselves yoga out of books.
Direct, frank, and fearless, empowered by compassion, but mostly, LOVE, Kelly Morris leads The Infinity Call, a live morning guided meditation for thousands of women. Based on Buddhist and Shamanic traditions, participants go deep within their body, mind, and spirit to unlock limiting beliefs and their infinity through the divine feminine.
Kino MacGregor is one of the few people in the world of yoga to embrace both modern social media and the traditional teachings of India’s historic past. She has over 960,000 followers on @kinoyoga and her KinoYoga YouTube channel has over 90 million views.
Dr. John Campbell is not your typical yoga teacher. He is a full-time Assistant Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Virgina, and a founding member of U.VA’s Contemplative Sciences Center's Directorate. He’s also one of the the few Certified teachers of Ashtanga Yoga worldwide, so honored by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, with whom he studied more than twenty years ago.
Long before being named “The First Lady of Yoga” by The New York Times, Colleen Saidman Yee had a varied career: cover girl, shiatsu student… she even worked with Mother Theresa in Calcutta at the Home for the Dying and Destitute.